A Complete Wipeout
It’s amazing what four hours of completely mindless television and a huge bowlful of ice cream can do for a person. I feel refreshed! (Insert contented sigh)
I learned a lot this week. I tried to write some of my personal stories like I’d do a scene in a novel. It was a great exercise, but with all the other projects I’ve got going, it was just too much. So instead of challenging you to do the same — I really don’t want to stress anyone else out — I’ve decided to host the Burned-Out Writer’s Contest.
Here’s how your participate:
I learned a lot this week. I tried to write some of my personal stories like I’d do a scene in a novel. It was a great exercise, but with all the other projects I’ve got going, it was just too much. So instead of challenging you to do the same — I really don’t want to stress anyone else out — I’ve decided to host the Burned-Out Writer’s Contest.
Here’s how your participate:
- Spend one-hour doing something not writing oriented, that isn’t a task, job or chore. My suggestions: Watch something on your DVR, read a book for sheer pleasure, go out to dinner, take a bubble bath. (+1pt)
- Eat something that makes you happy. I’m not talking about busting a New Year’s Resolution. It can be healthy (eww), but it has to taste good. (+1pt)
- Take a walk. You can determine the length. (+1pt)
- Follow my blog. Writing is a solitary pursuit. Make it social by finding blogs you like…I just hope mine is among those. (+3pts)
- Share this contest with others. I don’t care how you do it. Post it on your blog, tweet about my idiocy, tell your neighbor. (+3pts)
- Report on what you did in the comments of this post and tally your scores. I’m a writer, my math skills are not so good. If you don’t give me your score, I’m not positive I’ll be able to add it up by myself.
And now for the prizes:
- A $20 gift card to either Amazon or Barnes and Noble. It’s your choice.
- A selection of European chocolate to include: Cadbury, Ritter Sport, Milka and Toblerone. Let’s be honest. American chocolate is gross. (If you are anti-chocolate, then I can chose a different selection of goodies. If I have to.)
- The joy of having done something that just makes us feel better, more human, more alive!
The last day to enter is Wednesday, February 16, 2011. I will post the winner at 9 a.m. on February 17. Only folks in the U.S. or Canada may participate. Sorry for you folks in warmer climates. Your chocolate would melt.
I can’t wait to see what ya’ll did with your time!
Trisha Leaver
Wow — great contest, Becky. I’m all with the eat something that makes you happy part. Can I get extra points for eating something fattening and chocolate laced five times a day????
Becky Wallace
@Trisha: Maybe my next contest will have to be “Gorge Yourself.” I could include all the things you aren’t supposed to do…like 10 pts for not doing the laundry, and 20 pts for serving cake for dinner. That would be so much fun!!
Lindsay N. Currie
Fun contest and since you already know I like sweets, I’m in:) I’ll tweet it today and am already planning out my bubble bath – complete with reading time as I soak *ahhh*
Becky Wallace
@Lindsay: That’s exactly what I’m talking about! Enjoy your bubbles!
Christine H
This sounds great. Do we have to do this on Wed. the 16th? Or can over the weekend count? ‘Cuz I get no me-time during the week.
Becky Wallace
@Christine: It can happen anytime before the 16th!
Donna Hole
You’re funny. I like you Becky.
I have one of my FLYBYS AND SHOUTOUTS posts planned for a day next week. These posts are meant to announce new peoples I’ve met or give shoutouts to blogs I found interesting. Your’s counts as both 🙂
I usually do them on Mondays but this week I’ve committed to a couple blogfests. It may be the 14th – nope, got all those kissing blogfests going on.
Yeah, sometime this week; the 9th probably. I’m a great procrastinator. But look for your name in and contest in my Flyby’s post.
Becky Wallace
@Donna: Awesome! THANK YOU!!!
William Kendall
Let’s see…. does eating a beavertail count?
Becky Wallace
@William: Umm…if it tastes good to you, then I guess it’s okay. 😛
Donna Hole
1. My son and I sat around watching action movies on TV the other night. We watched Wanted and – shoot, what was that other Angelina Jolie movie? Had Brad Pitt in it too . . Anyway, it was fun. Bonding with the Bug and all that.
2. Ah, the decadence; the decadence . . I indulged in so many things last week cuz I got my tax refund. I’m a fast food junkie!
3. Are you kidding me? Walk? The wind would blow me away and the rain would melt me. But I did get on the Eliptical machine. 16 whole minutes worth. That’s gotta count.
4. Yep, following. I like your style Becky.
5. I announced both you and your contest in my 2/9 Flybys and Shoutouts post.
9 points; right? Do I get any extra points for not forgetting to come back (lol)?
I miss Toblerone. Its hard to find here. When I do, I relish it as a treat. Even though I’m basically anti-chocolate, who could pass that up once you’ve tried it?
Hey Becky, I hope you had a cool Valentines Day.