Book Review: Raven’s Gate

Raven's Gate (The Gatekeepers, #1)Raven’s Gate by Anthony Horowitz

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Teenagers can be irritating. And I’m not saying that because I’m turning old this month (if you have to know, I’ll be the big three-o. Gasp). But gosh almighty! The kid waiting in line behind me during my weekly Barnes and Noble run was whining like a two-year-old.

“All the books are written for girls. I don’t want to read love stories, or vampires. And every time I pick up an adult novel, mom says, ‘that’s too old for you.'”

I won’t continue with his diatribe because it was repetitive and so, so nasally. And sadly, I don’t exactly disagree with his point – just his tone.

If I had read Raven’s Gate BEFORE I suffered through the whine-fest, I would have happily handed it to him. The first book in the Gatkeepers Series is a boy book. It’s about a boy, who likes to do boy things, and gets into trouble. There is lots of action, magic and a good bit of bloodshed. AND, there is zero kissing.

I own the entire Alex Rider Series, also written by Anthony Horowitz. They are boy books about a teenage version of James Bond. But they are extremely clean and usually have a happy ending.

Raven’s Gate is for a little older crowd, at least 13+. The story is darker, the situations scarier. Horowitz actually described the series as “Steven King for kids.” I’ve read King, and I like Horowitz better. No need to have the pants scared off me and nightmares for weeks, right?

So, if you are looking for a “boy” book, then Raven’s Gate is a good start. If goodreads did partial stars, I’d give it 3.75…it’s better than a three.

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