Copy Edits: CHECK!
I survived copy edits! They were hard, but magical. It’s amazing to hold a printed copy of your book — even if it’s coverless and sort of a mess. I had nine days to get the ms back to my editor, and managed to read through it completely three times. I felt like I could have gone through it fifty times and still found mistakes. That, by the way, is sort of an awful feeling.
On Thursday, I’ll have an entire post in Editor’s Notes on what I learned and what would have been helpful to know in advance. Until then, I’ll leave you with this beauty:
That’s my book! And my name! And places it will be published!!!!
If that’s not cool enough for you, how about this?
We went to the Bayou Wildlife Park in Alvin, Texas over Spring Break. The deer become your BFFs if you have food. It was so much fun…maybe a little more fun than copy edits. 😉
So exciting!
It is. And totally nerve-wracking. What if I missed something MAJOR? Eeeek.
Stephen Kozeniewski
ZOMG! Congrats!
Thanks! It’s getting closer every day. Which is a good thing, right? RIGHT?!?
William Kendall
Good for you!
A cute shot, too!
I have a great one of the ostrich who stuck it’s HEAD into our car and attacked/ate out of my brother in law’s hand. It was awesome.