How Much Time Do You Spend Blogging?
I’m a sloooowww writer. Like super-uber slow. Sometimes I’ll write a paragraph (or a sentence) four times before I’m happy enough to move on…and then I’ll usually come back and stare at it later. So a regular blog post will sometimes take an hour to write, proof and post. That’s an hour I could have spent working on my book.
I’m trying to devise a system that will make blogging less time-consuming while still creating valuable/readable/entertaining posts. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:
I’m trying to devise a system that will make blogging less time-consuming while still creating valuable/readable/entertaining posts. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:
- Recurring features: For a month, I did debut author interviews once each week. I created a pretty standard set of questions, sent them out, and then asked a few follow-up questions depending on the authors answers. I’d love to do more of these, but my well of debut authors has sort of dried up. I know, I know…I just need to email some more, but sometimes I feel a little shy.
- Book reviews: You all know that I’m hesitant to review novels. But if I just stick to books I really, really loved then I won’t hurt feelings and should be able to whip up a post fairly quickly.
- Guest posts: I haven’t asked anyone to write a post for my blog yet. I feel like I should find an expert-expert on some subject for one of those. Anyone have anything you want to read about?
- Stuff I know about writing/business: This one is hard…I’m pretty sure everyone is smarter and more savvy than I am, but the lessons I’ve learned along the way are valuable.
- Critiques: This is an area I’d love to do more of. Would anyone be interested in a bi-monthly query or first page crit?
- Blurbs from my work: I wish I was brave. Like really, really brave. I’ve posted the first page of one of my books and one kissing scene. If I wasn’t so terrified of sucking, I’d do a little more of this.
- Character interaction: Do you ever think what would my MC do in this situation? I do it all the time, and sometimes I write it down. It’s fun to take your character out of context and see what they’d do at say…Disney World. I think this works really well for authors who are, you know, actually published.
I love the character interaction idea! That would be so much fun.
Lindsay N. Currie
character interaction sounds fun and I also think it might be worthwhile to do mini critique sessions. Maybe a query every two weeks or a 1st 250 words. As long as the writer is ready for whatever feedback comes in (though, everyone that follows your blog is sweet so it shouldn’t be harsh or non-constructive.). I’ve thought about doing this on my blog for a while now and just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I was thinking the best way to do it would be to post an open call for a weekly crit and then giving the writers a date that their crit would appear on your site. I don’t know, just thinking out loud.
I like the idea of a recurring feature and the character interaction idea sounds fun too. Book reviews are also great if you are talking about books you love.
E.R. King
Sounds like a good system to me. I like book reviews!
E.R. King
Oh, and I’m a slow writer, too. I can spend hours on a post. Sometimes it takes days before I feel it’s just right. : )
Becky Wallace
@ER: I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. Thanks!
Jessica Love
Another slow writer checking in here!
I love any blog features as long as it seems like the blogger is having fun with them.
Carrie Butler
All of those sound great, Becky! I’ll be around, no matter what you decide. 🙂
Laura C.
You blog a lot compared to most people I know (and my blog sits completely idle), so don’t feel bad.
I’d love query and first page crits. I’d love to see some of your work, too. 😀
These all sound great! I especially love the idea of character interaction and the query/page critiques (since you’re so darn good at critiques)! Speaking of critiques, I should be emailing you later today or tomorrow with some comments 🙂
Becky Wallace
@Jess: AWESOME!!! Can’t wait!