How To Get Your Husband to Hire A Cleaning Service

This is an active blog post. To participate you must do the following:
  1. Place your right palm over your ear
  2. With your left pointer-finger and thumb, pinch your nose closed
  3. Do your best seal barking impression
  4. Lay in your bed and don’t move (except to re-prop your pillows) for 48 hours.

What do you mean you don’t get it? It’s what you’d sound like if you had a double ear infection, sinus infection and croup! If your husband is like mine he’ll feel so guilty, will realize how much you do everyday, and will want you to get healthy so fast that he surprises you by “lightening your burden.”

Awesome, right? Not the sick part, but the cleaning service part! Hooray for spending another day in bed and not having to clean the bathroom! (Being six-plus months pregnant might help a little too!)


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