I Did Something Different Today…

This post has nothing to do with the fact that I wore jeans today instead of knit work-out pants (even though I did).

I’ve been writing almost two thousand words per day and I’m exhausted. My brain has turned to oatmeal and my calves ache (that’s because I stand while I type…explanation will have to wait for another day).

Instead of cranking out the next three chapters of “Saw It Coming,” I did something even more ridiculous. I compiled a list of my “Top Ten Most Wanted Agents.” Crazy, huh? My manuscript isn’t finished, nor edited, nor rewritten, but hey…why not decide which agents I want to query first!

I grabbed my handy-dandy Nook (this is not an advertisement, although it was invaluable), and went to the “Acknowledgement” sections of all my favorite books. Authors always acknowledge their agents – as well they should – and I googled all the names I found.

With the help of Excel I created a sheet that included:
  • Agents name
  • Agency
  • Email address
  • Submission requirements
  • Personal info about the agent (likes, dislikes, college background, etc.)
  • Authors the rep

I’ll eventually add two more columns for the date each query is sent and the agent’s response (or lack there of).

Since I’ll probably be rejected by all of those people (I’m trying to build a thick skin before I need it) I can add to the list by tens. Then I can rotate through the list as I finish and “perfect” each potential novel until I find an agent.

What methods do you have for finding agents and tracking queries? Anyone use QueryTracker.net?


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