Oh, hey! Book 2 has a summary!

I love checking on Goodreads and finding that the summary for THE SKYLIGHTER (yep, folks. That’s the title to book 2) has been released! Exciting, exciting news!

And here’s the goodness we’ve all been waiting for:

Johanna and Rafi are in a race against time to save their country before a power-mad Keeper destroys everything they hold dear in the “enthralling magical world” (Cinda Williams Chima, author of The Heir Chronicles) introduced in The Storyspinner.

As the last of the royal line, Johanna is the only person who can heal a magical breach in the wall that separates her kingdom of Santarem from the land of the Keepers, legendary men and women who wield elemental magic. The barrier protects Santarem from those Keepers who might try to take power over mere humans…Keepers who are determined to stop Johanna and seize the wall’s power for themselves.

And they’re not the only ones. As the duchys of Santarem descend into war over the throne, Johanna relies more than ever on the advice of her handsome companion, Lord Rafael DeSilva. But Rafi is a duke too, and his people come first. As their friendship progresses into the beginnings of a tender relationship, Johanna must wonder: is Rafi looking out for her happiness, or does he want the throne for himself?

With war on the horizon, Johanna and Rafi dodge treacherous dukes and Keeper assassins as they race to through the countryside, determined to strengthen the wall before it’s too late…even if it means sacrificing their happiness for the sake of their world.

Here’s what that summary doesn’t say is:

  1. Stuff blows up. Lots of stuff. That might be my favorite part.
  2. Some folks make up and make out. (Yay!  And, if we’re being honest, that’s my favorite part).
  3. You get to hang out with my favorite character(s).
  4. Folks’ hearts get broken. Some of those hearts get fixed.  Some definitely do not. Sad face.

So how does that sound? I’m super excited for y’all to read the rest of Rafi and Jo’s (and Pira and Leao and Jacaré and Vibora and Dom’s story).  You can add it to your Goodreads shelves now, or pre-order it at Amazon. That way you’ll be certain to get a copy on March 22, 2016!!

Also, it looks like this. In case you haven’t seen it.

Revised Skylighter Comp


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