Remember All Those Times I Made Fun of Author Photos?

Now it’s your turn to make fun of me!  And maybe vote for your favorite? 

The very lovely Sarah Danaher of Ampersand Photography did such a great job hiding the fact that I’m thirty weeks pregnant in these pictures. Does one shout “author” at you?  Does one look more friendly or professional? 
No. 1

 No. 2 (The same picture in Black and White)  


 No. 4 (The same picture in black and white)

No. 5 (I call this: “My neck aches, but I’m smiling!”)
No. 6
No. 7 (This is professional, plain) 
This is my favorite of all, but I don’t think my bestie (pseudo-assistant/stylist/lifesaver) Stacy wants to be in my book.
And for your laughs, here I am with my big ole belly. 


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