Teaser No. 4 & SLJ and Booklist REVIEWS!!

SKY teaser14Less than a month!! March 22nd is so crazy close!!  And that means you’re running out of time to pre-order your copy and get your swag!  I already spent $72 shipping envelopes from here to China (that’s not an exaggeration!!) and I have an enormous stack left to send.  SOOOO, if you want the exclusive artwork, bookmarks, and postcards, you can get your book at any one of these lovely locations:


Barnes and Noble

Blue Willow (for autographed copies!)

And if the teasers are not enough to convince you, here is what School Library Journal and Booklist have to say:

Multiple character perspectives continue with two new voices, which leads to surprising character development. VERDICT: A compelling, unique world with Portuguese-inspired echoes of Patrick Rothfuss’s The Name of the Wind (DAW, 2007), this series is a must for fans of fantasy. — School Library Journal

 *whispers* Rothfuss, you guys. ROTHFUSS.


Adventure abounds and stakes are high, keeping readers in suspense through the wild and romantic end. — Booklist

YEEHAW!!  So excited and relieved for those reviews! My fingers are crossed that my readers will enjoy it as much too!




  • -blessed holy socks, the non-perishable zealot

    Here’s summore coolness done in a cohesion of sassy, savvy, structural unintegrity…

    Wanna grow-up? Literally? Lemme fill-you-up on earth withe most savvy experiences I had to date and WE hope to return to; I’d like very much to share the rowdy, extraordinary, sterling beauty of Seventh-Heaven which I have actually seen due to our accident…

    Dat da fact, Jack: death is #@!!☆ smug and inevitable withe expression of a wet towel; some go to the other side while most never return. If you wanna continue, girl, I’ll explain how I actually saw the other side and returned…

    Our 24-wildchild-blogs are a total wasteOtime …yet, a total wealth which shall creep stealthily across thy brain like the vivid, brazen dawn. And, frankly, I wouldn’t be too concerned about what the whorizontal world thot about me, dear; I’d be much more concerned about what JESUS shall say at the General Judgement.

    First, why else does a moth fly from the night than to a bold, attractive candle Light? Don’t let His extravagant brilliance be extinguished, girl. You’re creative, yes? Then fly-away with U.S. to the antidote: apathy is the glove in which evil sticks his bloody hand on this dying earth.

    Meet this ex-mortal Upstairs for the most extra guhroovy, pleasure-beyond-measure, party-hardy-reality-show-addiction 24/7 you DO NOT wanna miss, where the Son never goes down from a VitSee-ing, ultra-passionate, YOUTHwitheTRUTH in which you’ll find nonillions X nonillions X nonillions… of deluxe-cubed-HTTP (<– pi) opportunities for enveloping, engulfing excitement; where you'll looove an endless eternity of aplomBOMBs falling ALL over thy incredible, indelible cranium, as you'll have an XtraXcitinXpose with an IQ much higher than K2 resulting in an explosion of obscene exuberance.

    Last, here's what the prolific, exquisite GODy sed: 'the more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you' -the Infant Jesus of Prague.

    Go git'm, girl. You're incredible.

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