The Puking House (A Parody)

There is a house,
a puking house,
where everyone is barfing.

And in that house,
there is a mommy,
a scrubbing mommy,
in a puking house,
where everyone is barfing.

And by that mommy,
there is a daddy,
a gagging daddy,
by a scrubbing mommy,
in a puking house,
where everyone is barfing.

And on the floor
there is a boy,
an up-chucking boy,
near a gagging daddy,
by a scrubbing mommy,
in a puking house,
where everyone is barfing.

And by that boy,
there is a girl,
a nauseous girl,
by an up-chucking boy,
near a gagging daddy,
by a scrubbing mommy,
in a puking house where everyone is barfing.

And by that girl, there is a baby,
Can it be? A healthy baby?
by a nauseous girl,
by an up-chucking boy,
near a gagging daddy,
by a scrubbing mommy,
in a puking house where everyone is barfing.

Oh….Well…the baby was healthy.


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