The Storyspinner will be out TOMORROW!!

Four years ago…I finished my first book.

Three and a half years ago…I signed with my agent.

Two and half years ago…I wrote my fourth manuscript.

Twenty-two months ago…Simon & Schuster bought it.

Eighteen months ago...I revised the crap out of it. Three times.

Twelve months ago…I saw the cover.

Eight months ago...I held the first printed copy.

Six months ago…It was read by my peers.

Two weeks ago...I held the final finished copy.

TOMORROW…I’ll finally be a published author.  

It’s so very surreal to write that sentence. I feel excited, and panicky, and a little bit nauseous because this thing that’s been a huge part—no—that’s dominated my life for more than four years is going to happen tomorrow.

It’s sort of amazing.

I’m also proud. So very proud that I didn’t quit when things got hard, and I thought no one would buy my books. Ever.

But more than all of those emotions combined, I’m grateful.

I’m so very grateful that all the pieces fell into place. That my husband got transferred to Virginia and the first person I met was a published children’s book author. I’m grateful to my husband and children for eating so much macaroni and so many grilled cheese sandwiches so I could spend a few more minutes working.  I’m grateful to my friends who didn’t let me turn into a hermit and visited me in my writing cave. I’m grateful to my extended family who supports my crazy dreams even when they don’t understand them completely.  But most of all, I’m grateful for miracles and to a God who loves me enough to let them happen.

I’m grateful for anyone who reads this and shares a dream of doing something that feels so incredibly impossible.

Thanks to you all.


P.S. Please don’t forget that this is the last day to pre-order and enter the GIVEAWAY and enter the Goodreads giveaway.
