The Truth in Fortune Cookies

In November, I ate Chinese food, stole the fortune cookies from my children, ate all the mildly-sweet crunchiness, and read the fortunes.  One of them said, “Your greatest wish will soon come true” and I spent the rest of the evening wondering what my greatest wish was.

That night I had a crazy dream which I posted about here.  To summarize,  the dream started with a pedicure, moved to me in labor (thus the need for a pedicure) and my husband answering the phone while I was having contractions.  The person calling wasn’t my mom or someone logical, it was an agent from New York offering me representation. And even though I was in labor, I took the call. (Hello!  Who wouldn’t?)

So here are my toes (obviously unpedicured)
(Any comments about my fat feet/raptor toe will get you a virtual slap to the head.)

 This is my belly.  Baby is still baking.

And this…
…is my agent!  Jennifer Laughran from the Andrea Brown Literary Agency agreed to represent me!

I had a minor heart attack when she called, sweated like a pig through our conversation, and then went and jumped on my bed (which almost put me into labor for real).  I’m thrilled to work with her.  And yes, she is just as awesome in real life as she is on her blog. 

More details to come later…right now I’ve got two pounds of chocolate to eat and several shows on my DVR to watch.  It’s the fattest reward I can think of giving myself today! WAHOOOO!!!!!


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