What Books Stick With You?

As a kid, I read Lloyd Alexander’s Black Cauldron series cover to cover at least twice a year every year.  I loved the characters, the stories, the settings. I really need to go buy the boxed set to have in my home. 

There aren’t many books that lodge themselves in my brain, or that I turn to when I’m in a specific mood.  But if you’re looking for literary comfort food, here’s my list: 

  • Gone With the Wind (Margaret Mitchell): For me, there isn’t one other female main character that I love and want to slap as much as Scarlett O’Hara.
  • Jamaica Inn (Daphne duMaurier):  It’s got a super creepy setting, murder, mystery, and a totally delicious bad boy. Many of you may remember duMaurier from her novel Rebecca, but I promise Jamaica Inn is better.
  • Parts of most of Cassandre Clare’s books:  Yes, I said parts…like the kissing parts.  She writes the best first kisses. 
  • A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens):  I know it’s completely melodramatic, but I love the story. Sorry. 
  • If it’s Halloween, I usually read Dean Koontz:  They give me horrific nightmares, which I guess makes me twisted.  And yet, I usually like to scare myself stupid. 
And that, my friends, is all I can think of off the top of my head.

What books do you pick up and read over and over?


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