Where I’m At This Week!

This week has been made of awesome!  I’ve been bouncing around the internet and doing some interviews, and I thought I’d share a few links!

If you’re interested in seeing the cover reveal of THE STORYSPINNER, you can find it here on Mundie Moms

If you want to see the cover and read my very first ever author Q&A, you can find it on Hypable!

If you want read about the idea that sparked THE STORYSPINNER, you can find it on A Backwards Story.

OR…if you don’t want to go anywhere, you can scroll down and see the beautiful work of art Simon & Schuster and designer Michael McCartney created for THE STORYSPINNER!

 The Storyspinner-high

 And next week, I’ll tell you all the secrets of this cover!  Lots of fun things to look forward to!



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