Yay! Go Writers!
Last November, I had an incomplete, unedited manuscript with a total word count of about 35k. I barely knew what the term ‘beta’ meant, and had no idea who or how to query.
Fast forward to the end of the month. My WIP was two chapters from complete and I had a group of incredible betas and crit partners. By mid-February, I’d worked through all my CPs revision suggestions and polished my query to a glistening sparkle.
Less than six-weeks later, I signed with an agent — an incredible agent from one of the best agencies for my genre.
I know my story is a rare one; not many people get an agent with their first completed manuscript. It took a lot of luck (timing, finding great betas, connecting with the right agent), and more hard work than I ever imagined. But it happened.
And it all started with NaNoWrimo.
I don’t need motivation to write. I want to write, I need to write! But I love having a hard deadline. I love knowing that thousands of people worldwide share my passion. I love that we cheer each other on and try to help when we get frustrated or depressed.
I love NaNoWriMo because if I hadn’t participated last year, I certainly wouldn’t have moved from the ranks of the unagented.
Now, I’m off to write so that I can make the next leap — from agented to published!
Good luck as you all write today! I hope you meet your goals…whatever they are!
P.S. Check back on Friday for my first Friday Critique!
Fast forward to the end of the month. My WIP was two chapters from complete and I had a group of incredible betas and crit partners. By mid-February, I’d worked through all my CPs revision suggestions and polished my query to a glistening sparkle.
Less than six-weeks later, I signed with an agent — an incredible agent from one of the best agencies for my genre.
I know my story is a rare one; not many people get an agent with their first completed manuscript. It took a lot of luck (timing, finding great betas, connecting with the right agent), and more hard work than I ever imagined. But it happened.
And it all started with NaNoWrimo.
I don’t need motivation to write. I want to write, I need to write! But I love having a hard deadline. I love knowing that thousands of people worldwide share my passion. I love that we cheer each other on and try to help when we get frustrated or depressed.
I love NaNoWriMo because if I hadn’t participated last year, I certainly wouldn’t have moved from the ranks of the unagented.
Now, I’m off to write so that I can make the next leap — from agented to published!
Good luck as you all write today! I hope you meet your goals…whatever they are!
P.S. Check back on Friday for my first Friday Critique!
Lindsay N. Currie
That is a great story Becky. Even though I knew it, it’s great motivation for everyone who is doing NaNo.
Becky Wallace
@Lindsay: You were an integral part of it! Thanks for being AWESOME!!
Trisha Leaver
Hey there NaNo buddy. Here is to the next great manuscript
Becky Wallace
@Trisha: *clinks my Mt. Dew against your wine glass* Cheers!
This is so inspiring! Thank you!
prerna pickett
Awesome story! I’m doing NaNo not for word count, but because I love writing, am passionate about the story, and even if nothing comes of it, it’s still great practice.
Carrie Butler
You’re such an inspiration, Becky! 🙂
William Kendall
Good for you, Becky!
Best of luck with the writing this month, and thanks for sharing such an inspirational story!