A Year Ago Today…

…I was enormously pregnant
…I had Thai food for dinner
…and I signed with literary agent, Jennifer Laughran. 

Talk about a day to remember!  I felt lucky then, and I still do.  I’m so glad/grateful/blessed Jenn picked me out of her query stack and had enough faith in my writing to represent it! 

Thanks Jenn! 

In honor of my Agented Anniversary, I’m willing to critique the first five pages of five manuscripts.  We all know how important that opening scene is – especially when you’re neck deep in the querying process.

If you’re interested, email me at becky (underscore) vallett (at) hotmail (dot) com.  First come, first serve! 

**UPDATE:  That was fast!  I’ve gotten five manuscripts!  Thanks to everyone who participated!**


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