Are You Forgetting Something?
At midnight tonight I will select a winner for the easiest blog contest in history…that is if I have any entries. Hello! One of the rules is that you have to report on what you did that wasn’t writer-oriented. (Ate chocolate, took a bubble bath, read a book…you could do any of those things today!)
You can submit your entry as a comment on this post or after you’ve re-read the entry requirements here.
You can submit your entry as a comment on this post or after you’ve re-read the entry requirements here.
Trisha Leaver
hmm so what did I do yesterday that wasn’t writer related. That’s easy, I made a clay pot. It was part of an art project for one of my kids. He made is, but I couldn’t resist making one myself. Hopefully it will look okay when it dries.
Angela Scott
Awesome! I love contests. Okay, so I’ve already done a lot today that wasn’t writer related and it’s only 8:54am.
I love to read. New Kindle makes it even easier. Currently reading “If I Stay” 1pt
Kiwi Pie flavored Yogart topped with granola. 1pt
No walking. Snowing/blowing like a dickens here. 0pts (I will blow away)
I followed your blog and I’m doing some blog hopping later on. 3pts
Twittered (is that word right) Tweeted? 3pts (I don’t think this is fair. I have to tell others, but then that lowers my chances of winning 🙂 I did it though. I tweeted.
Total of 8 pts. Wait, do I get points for EVERY thing I do today NOT writer related? Or just one point for that category. If it’s a point for each thing, add ten zeros to the back of my 8 please 🙂
Nice to meet you crusader!
Norma Beishir
I took care of my sick bird. He can’t get around very well right now, and he takes full advantage of it. Sam loves to be held and cuddled, and he gets a lot of it. He sleeps nestled on my shoulder while I’m on the computer, and takes a nap with me in the afternoon. He’s going to be going to the vet in the next couple of days. I’m praying he’s going to live. He’s 21 years old. I’d like him to have a few more good years.