Blurbs that Make You Cry and Your Dreams Come True

I’m shaking. My fingers are trembling on the keyboard as I try to figure out how to word this post.  Instead of pretty sentences, my excitement is going to explode all over the page.

My editor and agent sent me some of the blurbs for THE STORYSPINNER, and these blurbs are freaking amazing and are from AUTHORS WHO ARE GODDESSES. Here’s what I can share:

From New York Times bestselling author of  The Will of the Empress,  The Circle of Magic, and The Circle Opens quartets,  TAMORA PIERCE:

“This tale of murder, kidnapping, and magic held me from start to finish!”

From New York Times bestselling author of The Heir Trilogy and The Seven Realms series, CINDA WILLIAMS CHIMA:

“Becky Wallace couples a classic romance with cut-throat political intrigue and wraps it in a detailed and enthralling magical world. I can’t wait for the sequel.”

From the critically-acclaimed author of The Sky Fall series, SHANNON MESSENGER:

“An intricately woven, beautifully told tale, laced with heart, wit, and edge-of-your-seat suspense–plus the perfect amount of delicious swoon, Bravo! And encore!”

I’m shocked and amazed and so incredibly grateful. Authors who I love and admire like my book!  This is better than a dream come true.  This is beyond my dreams!

Thank you so much, Tamora and Cinda and Shannon!  THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!


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