Book Reviews in a Blink (and a Blog Award!)

Remember how I said I don’t review books on my blog (at least usually)?  Well, forget it. 

Elana Johnson, author of POSSESSION and wildly popular blogger/WriteOnCon Organizer/and all-around-awesome person did a little post on publicity that I thought was very interesting.  She suggests that we should review books on our blogs because it’s good for the books/authors names to be out there — even if we don’t give the novel stellar marks

And I agree with that…sort of.  My degree is in PR, my first job was as a book publicist.  Yes, negative publicity is still publicity.  But it’s also negative. 

I don’t do negative (again, with the mostly).

Thumper’s line is going to stand for my blog. If I don’t have anything nice to say, I’m just not going to write a review.

With that little caveat, here are my speed-readable reviews for the two best romances I read in August (I’ll do paranormals on Friday and dystopians on Monday):

I know, I know…sometimes I’m a little slow to the gate; this series debuted in 2007.  But I read all four of Diana Peterfruend’s Ivy League Novels in two days (Secret Society Girl is book one).  Here’s what I loved about the series:  The vibrant (and large) cast of characters. Their interactions are entertaining, infuriating and fun.  If you’re looking for a few quick reads with scenes you’ll laugh at, a little bit of mystery and plenty of romance (see shower scene in Rites of Spring Break for details) then this is the right place.
  1. Like pastries? Then you’ll probably like Anna and the French Kiss for the same reasons.  It’s light and fluffy (full of high school hijinks and first loves), but one is never enough.  I can’t wait for the companion novel to come out…although I have no idea how Stephanie Perkins is going to top the super hot French-British-American boy. Just saying.  I really could have eaten Ethienne right up.

Now on to the award.  The lovely Lindsay Currie gave me the Versatile Blogger award (which I’ve posted on the right), and now I’m supposed to tell you seven things about myself and pass the prize to someone else. 

  1. I hate jeans.  Actually I hate anything restrictive.  I’m pretty sure it’s a result of living in dance clothes for a couple decades.
  2. My claim to fame:  I danced on the same HS dance team as some of the pros from Dancing with the Stars. 
  3. I eat at least three pounds of chocolate every week.  That’s not an exaggeration. It’s disgusting.
  4. I refused to eat beef for almost ten years.  Until my father-in-law offered me a BBQ’d hamburger and I was too nervous to turn him down.
  5. YA Authors Kiersten White, Shannon Hale, Elana Johnson, Natalie Whipple, Allyson Condie, Carol Lynch Williams, Ann Dee Ellis, and ME all call Utah home.  Stephenie Meyer lived there for a while too.  So maybe being from Utah will increase my chances of being published?  Maybe? 
  6. My dog shares my pillow. That’s not something I love or am proud of.
  7. I lose my keys at least once every day.  And it’s never my fault.  Someone always moves them!
Now to pass the award along:  Melodie Wright, Avery Olive and Kari Marie!  Congrats ladies!


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