Halloween Humbug

I’ve been a black cat, a newsie, a flapper, a cheerleader, and a lindy-hopper. I’ve worn poodle skirts and psychedelic sixties gear.  I’ve been Marylin Monroe, Mary Poppins, and Belle from Beauty and Beast.  I’ve worn fluffy pink and slinky black dresses.  I’ve had black hair, blond hair, red hair, and a dozen wigs in various cuts colors.  I’ve worn go-go boots, saddle oxfords, and every height of heel you can imagine.  And I’ve glued my tear duct shut when applying fake eyelashes.

Not one of those were Halloween costumes.

I spent a good portion of my life on stage (or off it, frantically trying to change into my next costume).  So Halloween totally doesn’t hold a lot of savor for me.  When you’ve already been everything (pioneer, angel, corpse bride) you don’t really look forward to dressing up.

My kids, however, love it.  I try to put on a good show and get them the costumes they want (I prefer them to have a theme…but this year they bucked the trend.  Darn five-year-old and his SpiderMan fascination).  I even hang up a few decorations.

The only thing that I like about Halloween is the scary stories.  Anyone reading anything spooky today?

I’m re-reading Gretchen McNeil’s POSSESS.  I liked it enough to give it a second go.  When I finish that, I’ll re-read THE NEAR WITCH.  The language is lovely and the it’s the perfect combo of romantic and creepy. 

What are you guys reading for All Hallows Eve?


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