Saturday was awesome! I felt like the real deal. I know, I know. I probably should have felt that way when I signed my contract, saw my cover, held my finished copy, etc. BUT, there’s something completely different about people talking to you about your book, saying your characters’ names, asking questions about your world…it’s an amazing, overwhelming, kinda crazy feeling. I loved it. I can’t wait to do it again, which is good as I’m having my second launch party on Saturday, March 14th at 2 p.m. at The King’s English in Salt Lake. If you’re nearby, you should totally come. There will be lots of good food and talk and fun. Like this…
These shortbread cookies were fabulous and they had The Storyspinner’s cover on it! My son asked me fifty times if he could eat the picture. The answer is YES. It’s candy!Here’s the spread. Cookies from Those Cupcakes Rock in Houston. Caramels specially imported from The Chocolate Covered Wagon in Salt Lake City, Utah. Gift bags full of gift cards, leather headbands (they play a role in the book), caramels (they are one character’s favorite treats), swag, and a special surprise I’ll announce on Thursday.This is me and my friend Diana Wariner. She’s been my friend for more than ten years, but she’s been my critique partner for the past five. She’s brilliant, folks. I owe her so much.There was actually a really good turn out, which totally surprised me! The North Texas Teen Book Fest and spring break were happening at the same time. I’m so grateful to all the people who took time on their busy Saturdays to come see me! *cries*This was maybe the coolest part of the day. I got to sign the wall at Blue Willow Bookshop! There are so many amazing authors up there! *cries again*Okay, I lied. THIS was the coolest part. My two best friends flew in from Virginia and Salt Lake to help me get ready for the party. They are the most incredible women, and they do so much for me! Thanks Stacy and Kara! I love you girls!!
Ahhh! Such a beautiful book!! Such a beautiful author!! Such beautiful swag!! Wish I could have been there~ looks like it was a HUGE success! Have fun at Launch #2! (okay, are you sick of my exclamation points yet??)
Jessica Lawson
Ahhh! Such a beautiful book!! Such a beautiful author!! Such beautiful swag!! Wish I could have been there~ looks like it was a HUGE success! Have fun at Launch #2! (okay, are you sick of my exclamation points yet??)
Lexa Cain
I remember back when you sold this – it was thrilling then and it’s even more thrilling to see it’s out now. Congrats!!
William Kendall
Very cool!
Looks like a blast! I’m so glad it went well and can’t wait to hear more about you and your book’s journey. 🙂