School’s Out Forever

It’s Spring Break here, which means DC is crawling with tourists and locals trying to get their fill of historical/patriotic landmarks.

And this year I’m among them (Ahhh!) It hasn’t been that bad (so far) and my guests/family/kids are really enjoying the weather, history, and my homemade breakfasts (really, my blueberry muffins are the

I haven’t made much time to write, but I’ve had lots of time to think, plot, and people watch. It’s been a nice break.

And yesterday at Manassass, the site of the Battle of Bull Run, I got a crazy good idea for a historical-esque fiction. I love stories that hinge on a pivotal point in history! Maybe I’m brave enough to attempt it…maybe.

I hope your spring/spring breaks are treating you well!

Off to Mt. Vernon today. I’ll tell George and Martha hello for you.


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