Screw Your Courage to The Sticking Place

Shoot the bull. Chew fat. Bring home the bacon. In the buff. A sorry sight. As dead as a doornail. One fell swoop. Come what may. Green eyed monster.

Do you use any of those phrases as you write? If so, you need to include quotations…not really. But most idioms and a bevy of others are direct quotes of William Shakespeare. Ever hear of him?

I found this really awesome Web site,, that lists some of Old Bill’s words, what they mean and how they’re commonly used today. It’s very interesting.

So, if you’re bored out of your head, have writer’s block, or need inspiration take a gander at the work of the sixteenth century. Maybe you’ll coin a new catch phrase or create a new word. Just like Kiersten White did with her debut novel Paranormalcy.

“Oh Bleep!”


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