To Tweet or Not to Tweet…

My awesome friend, Diana, and I were on the phone yesterday discussing Twitter. Like pretty much everyone else in the world, we have Facebook accounts but we don’t have “I’m an Author” Facebook accounts. (It seems a little presumptuous to have a profile like that when I have neither an agent nor a book deal…but that’s just me.)

But maybe, it’s not too soon to build a following via Twitter. People can follow me just because it’s me, not necessarily because I’m a wannabe author. Here’s my fear: What if I have nothing funny, witty, or smart to say? Who in the world would want to hear about what I’m doing or thinking in twenty words or less? My days are pretty boring. (“Cleaning up poop again.” “Folding laundry again.” “Man, my blinds need to be dusted.”)

I know lots of you have Twitter accounts. Do you ever have to really think about what you post? Or are you all naturally, witty, funny, intelligent people?

BTW. Susanna Leonard Hill gave me the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks Susanna! As part of the award I’m supposed to post seven interesting things about me:

  1. I hate to blow dry my hair. I’m really bad at it.
  2. I didn’t hate to blow dry my hair quite as badly before I cut it all off and donated it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
  3. Please don’t think I’m super charitable. I donated my hair because my friend did, and it was good I could do without a whole lot of effort
  4. I secretly want to write Fantasy Fiction.
  5. I have five incomplete manuscripts.
  6. I painted my toenails with my three-year-old’s pink glitter polish and I think they look super cute.
  7. I think Northern Virginia has the worst restaurants in America.

I think most of you (that I actually know) already have this award. Except maybe Diana and Tracey, and they both have totally awesome blogs! Go check them out!


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