Valentine’s Day Post of Randomness

Happy Valentine’s Day!  I hope your day is full of happiness, chocolates, and people you want to kiss and cuddle!

In honor of this holiday, I’m including a link to two posts about first kisses here.  Because, really, is there anything more magical than a first kiss? 

I’d also like to share my little bit of V-Day embarrassment, courtesy to the autocorrect on my cell phone. Did you know that ‘surprise’ when swiped too quickly turns into ‘striptease’?  Yep, Hubster’s going to be a little disappointed (or relieved) when he comes home to a big bowl of frog-eye salad. Oops. 

And finally, my mental health day off totally worked!  I like writing again!  YAY!!  Not only did I crank out 2,500 words in one afternoon on a new project, but I also have rewritten the first twelve chapters of my WIP.


I hope you Valentine’s Day is full of similar awesomeness!


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