W is for Waiting
I’m not participating in the A-Z Toolbox thing, but I totally have a W for today. I’m tired of WAITING!! This doesn’t have anything (that’s a boldfaced lie) to do with waiting for agents to get back to me (LOL), but all the other things that have my life in a holding pattern. Like:
- a box from my grandma full of See’s Candy. It’s supposed to be here today and I can’t leave until it arrives. I don’t want my precious chocolates to melt!
- my homemade blueberry-struesel muffins to get out of the oven.
- my awesome sister (aka Nanny) to get here. She’s staying ALL summer. WOOT!
- Baby No. 3 to make her arrival. I’m a really bad pregnant lady.
- Spring to really get here.
- my puppy to stop acting like a puppy (that’s only going to take five years)
- that brilliant idea that’s going to move my plot to my next imaginary plot point.
What kind of things are you guys waiting for?
Lindsay N. Currie
I hate waiting. I’m not a patient person by nature so waiting goes against every fiber of my being LOL. I think a lot of publishing is “hurry up and wait” so I hear ya!
I hate to say I’m waiting for the weekend to get here, because then I’m not enjoying the moment, but alas, it’s true. Hope your muffins turned out good – yum!
Red Boot Pearl
I am so bad at waiting, I’m 36 weeks pregnant and sooooo tired of having a gynormous belly! I went early last time around, so I’m crossing my fingers, but it’s not looking good… I have two friends who are pregnant and usually go two weeks over their due date–I’m pretty sure I would die.
Becky Wallace
@Red Boot Pearl: I’m 34 weeks and DYING to get this baby here. Went to a playgroup today and had lots of people offer their start-labor-remedies. YUCK! I keep telling myself, “If I can just make it till May 13th…” but it seems so far away.
Good luck, get some rest, and enjoy!
William Kendall
Try seven years for the puppy to start acting like a puppy. Unless you get another puppy, in which case Puppy #1 grows up fast and looks at you in that way that says, “was I this obnoxious?”
Becky Wallace
@William: No more dogs. EVER!
Lisa Potts
I’m waiting on a mystery prize for a recent auction I won on Write Hope. I love surprises and HATE waiting.
Jennifer Hillier
I laughed when you said you’re a really bad pregnant lady. I think I would be too!
I feel like I’m always for something to happen…
Happy to be a new follower!
Gina Blechman
I’m working to get my query and synopsis to their most perfect forms by the end of the week so that I can then spend lots of time waiting (and stressing…and eating chocolate and cheese & crackers) for agents to reply.
<3 Gina Blechman
I’m waiting for my writing to be perfect 🙂 I’m going to be waiting for a loooooong time. So, I’m also waiting for patience. And waiting and waiting. ha!
I was waiting for my spring vacation week to come… but now its here. Woot!
By the way, Becky, you are the 2nd place winner of my 101 is Wonderful contest. Congratulations! Please contact me so I can send your prize!