Writing Contest or It Just Keeps Getting Dirtier
- Best story written about the items I found under my dryer
- Story closest to what I think happened that resulted in the items being dropped behind my dryer
I’d even offer prizes! Like a big fat ($10) gift card and a beta read with copious notes of any writer’s manuscript.
You see I recently found out (not gossip exactly) the…ummm…sordid history of my house. I won’t go into anymore detail – except, of course, to say it was sordid – because I don’t want to give away the answer to category No. 2.
Here’s the list of the items I found under the dryer:
- a toilet wand (that did not belong to me, actually NONE of the items are my possessions)
- a piece of sheet music for a Catholic Christmas program
- a curly straw bent into an odd shape
- a water wing
- several small black buttons
- enough bobby pins to hold a super fancy updo
- and (wait for it, wait for it, seriously it’s that gross!) an unopened item of “protection”
I threw up a little cleaning behind the washer, but I threw up A LOT cleaning behind the dryer.
The rules to the contest are as follows:
- You have to live in the continental United States to enter (unless of course you’d want to forego your awesome $10 gift card).
- You must to email your entry to becky underscore vallett at hotmail dot com and post a link to this contest on your blog, facebook or twitter page and leave a link in the comments. A point will be added to your total for each of those categories.
- You don’t have to use all the items in your story, but you must use three. An extra point will be awarded for every additional item in your story.
- Even though the history of my house is of questionable morality, your story doesn’t have to be! Since I’m not a Nora Roberts/Danielle Steele kind of girl, telling the story without anything, you know, explicit will get two extra points. This applies especially to category No. 2.
- The deadline for this contest October 11, 2010. So start writing NOW!
Imaginary Reader (or anyone else who happens to find this on google) I look forward to reading your entries! If you have any questions, send me an email or leave a comment.
Now I’m off to clean the kitchen! Ah, the joys of mother/writerhood.
Writerhood is a real word. It is.
I soooooo have a story that popped into my head using items #2,5,6,7 and maybe #4, but I don’t have it down on paper. Plus, it’s a little dirty, unlike the dryer floor, which was a lot dirty. I might just enter you’re little contest. 🙂
Becky Wallace
Please do!! It would be so fun! Right?