Best Query Advice Ever

Like every other unpublished/unagented author in the world I’m struggling with my query. I’ve tried Query Critique on writer’s digest and sent it to my writer’s group. I’ve got some very conflicting advice.

  • “Why didn’t you list your publishing credits?” (Because I didn’t think they applied)

  • “Why didn’t you start with a personalized blurb about the agent?” (Because Query Shark says not to, although Nathan Bransford says to do it).

  • “Why didn’t you start with an agent hook?” (I thought I did…oops?)

  • “Why haven’t you edited this?” (I have. And every time I change it they all come out sounding sort of the same.)

I wasn’t happy with either of the queries that I’d written (and apparently not edited 🙂 so I went online and looked for more help.

Found it! If you take the MadLib from Bransford blog, combine it with all Query Sharks’s advice, and then mix a few words from the creator of, Elana Johnson, you get a pretty unique formula for a query with a good voice.

Johnson suggests you…wait for it…write your query from your character’s point of view. GASP! I know, I know. It’s one of the biggest no-nos of query writing. But, once you’ve got the voice nailed down go back and rewrite it in third person. She says it’s not hard.

I’ll try it and let you all know how it works out.

Until then…have a peaceful, productive, holiday season.


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