Book Review: Fablehaven "Keys to the Demon Prison"

Items to Include:

High stakes adventure – check
Magic artifact – check
Rise of a villain – check
Mistake by stupid little brother – check

The newest – and final book – in the Fablehaven series reads like a packing list. The author Brandon Mull stuffed this nearly 600 page book so full of elements from the previous four novels that he didn’t have room for some important items…like character growth and surprise. It’s sort of like traveling across the country only to realize that you’ve forgotten your toothbrush. Bummer.

But what else should a reader expect from a middle grade novel? Unlike JK Rowlings‘ Harry Potter series, Fablehaven stays true to its target audience. It’s not dark. It’s not scary (at least too scary). There aren’t too many deaths and zero make-outs.

“Keys to the Demon Prison” is a delightful read, and adequately wraps up an otherwise stellar series.

One major prop for the author: Fablehaven is exquisitely plotted. Mull left no questions unanswered.


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