Hot Pants…or Why I Don’t Plot

It’s Wednesday!  No lost days this week…at least not so far.  And this week’s Blog Carnival Question from YA Highway is:  Are you a plotter or a pantser? 

I’ve actually posted on this subject way back in November (Here’s a link to that post).  And my writing style hasn’t changed much since then. 

To summarize: I’m a pantser.  I usually visualize a beginning and an end, then write to connect the two points.  This method works for me…most of the time. Sometimes I get serious writer’s block (haven’t added anything to my WIP since April 28th…yikes) and it takes a long time to figure my way out.  I know what has to happen next, but I’m having a hard time getting the words onto the paper. 

It happens. It’s frustrating.  I’m working on it. 

There is one thing always seems to help me get unstuck.  I write a synopsis for a query letter (not that I have to query any more…phew!).  It’s sort of like a mini-outline that identifies the major plot points.  Here’s a link  for what I wrote for THE BIDING TIME.  It’s certainly not perfect, but it helped remind me where my story is supposed to be heading. 

I’m hoping SAW IT COMING will go on submission soon, and maybe (just maybe) someone will be interested in turning it into a series.  And perhaps that editor would like to see my plans for the next book (an agent I talked to told me to prepare one…just in case).  I might have to write an actual, detailed outline.  My first attempt…well it turned into the first scene of the sequel (and it was way hotter than I intended. Which is sort of the reason I don’t like to plot — unexpected awesomeness!). But I’m interested to see how outlining will change the writing process and if I’ll be able to stick it. 

Doubt it.

How many of you are plotters/pantsers?  If you plot, are your outlines rigid or fluid?  If you’re a pantser, do you get writer’s block frequently or does your imagination always pull you out of trouble? 


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