I Joined the NIL Tribe!

You guys.  YOU GUYS!!  My friend and critique partner, Lynne Matson, will be published in less than three months!

Not only is Lynne one of the sweetest, most thoughtful people in the history of the world, she’s also an incredible writer.  Her book, NIL, will knock your socks off, especially if you like things such as Survivor, or Lost, or that awesome little book called The Maze Runner. 

I know lots of authors say nice things about other authors’ books, and I could find dozens of positive things to say about NIL. But, there is one thing that Lynne does better than just about anyone in YA today….


Or more correctly, she writes teenager. Her two main characters, Charley and Thad, sound like real, living people.  Their conversations sound exactly like the ones I eavesdrop on at Panera (Have I become that nosy lady who pretends not to be listening to your chat with your BFF but totally is?  Yes. I believe I have.) 

Now, on to the business of the #NILtribe:

Do you like books?  Reading books? Winning free books and other book-related goodness?  Then you should join the #NILtribe too! It’s super simple! All you have to do is tweet, or post to Facebook, or post on your blog, or comment on Lynne’s blog: “I joined the tribe!” and add the #NILtribe hashtag. And that’s it! You’re in.:)
Do this, my friends. You want to. You want to read NIL.You want to win awesome books and prizes. I promise.

And check back during NIL’s launch week for an interview with Lynne!  It will be all the things awesome. 


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