Welcome to My New Website!

Hi! Thanks for visiting my sparkly new website.  I’m glad you’re here!

This will be the main source of information for all things THE KEEPERS’ CHRONICLES, publishing news (mine and the rest of the world’s), writing tips, occasional recipes, and a slew of other randomness.

It’s going to be fun. Promise.

Oh! Speaking of THE KEEPERS’ CHRONICLES, did I tell you the first book in the series has a new name?  It’s now called THE STORYSPINNER.  I’ll have the official synopsis up soon.

Please poke around, check out the tabs, clink on the little buttons over there ——–> to visit my new Facebook, Pinterest, and Goodreads pages.  Or, if you’re just here for the goods (and that’s okay too!), please enter the giveaway below for a prize pack full of some of my favorite fantasy books, a critique, or a copy of the lovely Lynne Matson’s debut NIL.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks for visiting and come again soon!


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