
Audrey Jane Wallace! 

Phew!  She’s here.  What a relief.  Those last couple of weeks were a challenge.  Audrey was born on May 26, 2011.  She weighed a whopping 6 lbs., 5 oz. and was 19 inches long.  Yeah…she’s pretty tiny.

Even though my blog is personal there are some things I just can’t talk about, and birth stories fall into that arena.  I know some people are fascinated by detailed accounts of labor and delivery, but for me…eww. Sorry.  Some words belong only in college textbooks and medical journals. Double eww.

But I will tell you this:  my awesome and totally manly husband had to lay on the floor of the operating room while they were digging Audrey out!  He’d struggled through my previous c-sections, but never got to the point where the surgical staff was yelling at him to lay down before he passed out.  The best part was that he was trying to cheer me on from the floor.  “You’re doing great, honey!  You’re awesome.  Sorry I suck so much!”  I seriously love that man and his sense of humor…plus it will make a great wedding toast one day! 

BTW, have you entered my contest yet?  It’s brainless and fun.  Here’s the original post for more details. 


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