Part Two of the What-If Contest

It’s Thursday. I know I promised to post the top three What-If scenarios on Wednesday, but I sort of lost a day on my calendar. Not sure where it went. Maybe it has to do with the anesthetic haze that fogged up a good part of last week, or maybe it’s lack of sleep. Either way, when the garbage truck woke me up this morning I had a stunning realization that today was not Wednesday…and my garbage can was not on the street. Bummer.

Deciding which What-If is the awesomest is a tricky task. I picked three that tickled my fancy (Have you ever heard anyone under the age of 75 actually use that phrase in a sentence? Just wondering). You can vote in comments on which one is your favorite and then I will award the victor their spoils via email. Here they are:

1. Lynne said: Today, my best friend, Baxter, could learn how to listen to me rather than running off to chase other dogs. When I tell him to stay, he stays as if by magic! No longer will I try to restrain all 115 pounds of mass and muscle (really, he looks like he’s on steroids), be dragged across the yard at a company function, or look silly running in my pajamas to the neighbor’s. When I say ‘stay’ or ‘no,’ he stays.

He will be the perfect little gentleman, and everyone will love him more than they already do (which I’m not sure is possible, in real life we get compliment everywhere we go. It’s actually really, really, nice…even after I’ve been dragged around).

And then, to continue my super awesome day! When I get home from work, I have an e-mail waiting in my box from an agent! Asking to represent me! Baxter and I do a happy dance! And then Baxter and I live happily ever after.

Just saying, it could happen.

2. Susanna said: Today, I could begin writing a novel that will win the Newberry next year. 🙂

3. Kristen said: In a scenario no one would ever have expected, I will save the President’s live and not lose my own. Everyone will want to know me, and even though today is Oprah’s last show, she will return to TV just so she can interview me about my courage and quick-thinking. Of course the agents will come running because everyone will have googled me and they’ll see my blog and know that I’m a writer. I will be awash with fortune. I will humbly accept what is appropriate to accept, donate what is not to Haiti and Rwanda, then gracefully fade back into the background, content and satisfied with all I’ve done for the world, once again writing excellent stories for children. Once in a while Oprah and I will come out of retirement together to do a show.

You can vote from now until Friday, June 10th. Then I will tally up the scores and send someone a $25 gift card to Amazon that I hope they will use to buy books! Or something they really want…but I hope it’s books.


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