More Good News!

Y’all have heard me mention it before, but Trisha Leaver was my ORIGINAL critique partner.  I owe so much to her, her sharp mind, and her ability to smooth out the rough patches in a story.  A few weeks ago, she and Lindsay Currie announced their first co-authored MS had sold.  And now…

May 21, 2013
Young Adult
Trisha Leaver’s SECRETS SISTERS KEEP, where a teenage girl assumes her identical twin’s identity after a freak accident leaves her sister dead, only to find that her sister’s supposedly perfect life was full of secrets that were destroying her, to Janine O’Malley at Farrar, Straus Children’s, for publication in Winter 2015, by Kevan Lyon at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency (World)

WAHOOOO!!!  I’m thrilled for her and for this story.  I’ve had the privilege of reading it and may have even helped give it a title 😉  If you like contemporary with attitude, a few shades of darkness, and mystery, then you’ll love SECRETS SISTERS KEEP. 

Go congratulate Trisha! 


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