Perfectly Plastic
Please don’t think that I’m vain…at least not completely, totally, utterly vain. But I just saw something on TV that made my laugh hysterically and I wanted to write it down.

Has anyone out there heard about the Bump It? And just when I thought Texans had cornered the market on ridiculously tangled tresses, I find out about a sassy little product that you snap into your hair to create a voluminous bump on the back of your head (or the front, if you’re interested in the Bump-It mini).
I’m not talking about a skull-deformity of some sort (although I’m convinced at least one of the dents in the back of my head is a result of too many pony tails), but something you actually pay for that makes you look like you have an incredibly tall head.

And just when you thought Mayan Skull Binding had gone the way of peg-legged pants and perms, somebody comes along and makes the “Conehead Look” cool again.

And here’s the scariest part….I totally want to order a set! (I mean of the Bump Its, not the scary plastic Coneheads.) I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent backcombing my hair in attempt to get volume and have it fall flat after ten minutes. Anyone who lives in a humid climate can empathize!
Does anyone out there want to split a set with me? I’m totally dying to look like I have just been squeezed through the birth canal again.
For more information about Bump It, check out
Oh my heavens, you mean I can leave the house and after a half-a -day of work I can still look like I have volume in my hair. We may have to share a purchase. Oh dare, my hair is probably way too short!!! Nothing seems to work for my hair. Keeping look out for me Bec – love ya
Thanks for posting Mom! I love you!
Brianne & Jarod
ha ha ha the BUMP IT! You kill me!!