So I Have This Dog…

Over the past several months I think I’ve mentioned my psycho puppy at least a dozen times.  Saying she’s a handful is like calling a Category Five hurricane a little windstorm.  Rosy is wild, destructive, loud, and chewy.  She steals toys, climbs onto my kitchen counters and eats food, and chews shoes.  I’ve cried over this dog more than I have over my children.

I can’t count the number of times when I’ve called my husband sobbing because Rosy has a) torn a hole in the bottom of the mattress, b) pooped in the crate and rolled around in it, c) snuck through the back fence and I had to chase her (remember I’m largely pregnant) through the wooded easement, d) bitten me and drawn blood (thank heavens she’s out of that phase).  His answer was always the same, “What do you want me to do about it?” He knew that no matter how far Rosy pushed me, I couldn’t give her up. 

Here’s why:  The Red Fern Grows.  If you’ve read it, you’ll understand.  No matter what  mischief Old Dan and Little Ann get into, Billy loves them.  The dogs return that love ten-fold.  Sure, I’m a natural animal lover and a masochist (what writer isn’t?), but a book taught me at a very young age not to give up on a dog.  So I haven’t.

Despite all Rosy’s evil-ness (my friends call her Red Dawn and Devil Dog), she has become a member of the family. She sleeps, eats, and plays with us. She takes us on walks and goes to T-Ball games.
And she just graduated from Puppy School.   Does that mean she’s perfect?  No. Not even close.  But Rosy is a daily reminder that all good things are worth working for.  Billy knew it.  I know it.  And now I’m sharing it with you. 

Go and work hard at something you love.  It may be daunting, you may want to quit, but if you keep at it, something wonderful just might happen.  Good luck!


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