Help Me Celebrate!

Tomorrow is my birthday. (Don’t even ask. I’m not admitting it to anyone. Not even myself.)

The great thing about birthdays is, of course, the fat stack of gift cards I get to B&N. I know I’ll have at least $75 to spend on books (insert happy dance complete with sprinkler and Roger Rabbit).

I’ve been waiting impatiently for THE GRAY WOLF THRONE by Cinda Williams Chima to hit the shelves. It’s YA Fantasy Fiction that I <3 with mas amor (sometimes I just need to throw some Portuguese in improper grammar drives Hubby nuts). 

I also won POSSESS through Goodreads!  (Yay Goodreads!  Yay Gretchen McNeil!) 

Other than that, I need some recommendations!  What’s on your TBR list that should be on mine? 


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