Vacation Highs and Lows (and the winner of the full ms crit!)

I didn’t actually go on a vacation-vacation.  I went to a wedding.  With my three children.  (See how the word vacation suddenly loses its appeal?)  But even traveling with my brood and no spouse has its upside…or some things we will laugh at down the road.  Like really, really far down.

My Not-Exactly-A-Vacation Hit List:
  • One ridiculously long security line (where they asked me if I would take off my stroller’s wheels.  Not kidding) eleven elevators and a man who had gas and literally lifted his butt and pointed it in my direction.  Foul. 
  • Creating centerpieces and favors for the wedding lunch.  Tied tulle bows for more than 100 chocolate-kiss wedding snacks.
  • Mom’s dog eating the wedding favors. (My kids were super entertained by what they saw in his poop.  GROSS!!  Ribbon, tulle, wrappers…at least he didn’t die).
  • Hearing my mom scream like she’d discovered a dead body when she found the dog eating the favors.  I’m slightly deaf in one ear now, but it was still awesome. 
  • Listening to my kids laugh as they ran around in my parents huge backyard.  Without shoes. “Mom! They don’t have ticks here!”
  • My husband showing up the night before the wedding and surprising us all. 
  • Baby blowing out (up her back) ten seconds before wedding pictures.
  • Having people stare at me because my baby’s diaper leaked all over my lap on the plane ride home.  It totally looked like I peed my pants
  • My grandma crying when she saw my husband at the wedding. 
  • Finding out that my dog destroyed the dog sitters house (tore down curtains, chewed floor moldings, pooped in their crate four times). 
  • Toes getting crushed by rude man who wheeled his bag over my foot and then gave me a dirty look.
  • Having a pedicure with my mom and sisters. 
Did you catch the incredible thing that happened (it’s listed sort of in the middle)?  My hubby, who is the middle of his “busy season,” woke up Friday morning, went to his morning meeting, bought a ticket and shocked the crap out of all of us when he knocked on my parents door. Best. Hubby Surprise. Ever. I <3 him!

Summer is almost over, but I hope you’ve enjoyed it!

And Jessica Lawson, you’re the winner of the full critique!  Please send the rest of Tripp’s story!


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